Our Franchisor Services

Already a franchisor? We can help you too with our franchise packages for existing franchisors.
The only thing we love as much as developing great franchise brands and systems from scratch, is proving how vital and valuable our services can be to legacy franchisors. We are confident that our unique approach and proprietary products and services can produce results for even the most mature franchise systems and we welcome the opportunity to prove our talents.

As an existing franchisor another common issue we hear a lot is that they are having trouble finding enough franchisees or the right ones. Or perhaps they are growing too slowly.

This could be for a number of reasons including;

  • An ineffective franchise marketing message
  • Inadequate marketing budget
  • Not having a defined franchisee profile and targeting the wrong franchise prospects
  • Inappropriate media mix
  • Failure to modify marketing efforts to properly reflect historic results
  • Poor timing of the marketing campaign
  • Poor marketing materials
  • Poor initial follow-up
  • Poor sales skills
  • Improperly focused sales efforts
  • Unhappy franchisees in the system that are scaring away your prospects
  • Poorly executed “Discovery Day”

The list goes on and on. Without knowing where the specific problem(s) lie, the franchisor can either take its “best guess” as to what is “broken” or try to fix everything at once. If you’ve read this list and can see that some of these issues occur in your business then you should talk to Franchise 4 U about the possibility of reviewing your processes, staff and training etc. which allows the franchisor to focus on those specifics that will most affect franchisee recruitment. By comparing your practices to the best practices within franchising, the franchise audit can readily identify where to focus your improvement efforts. Alternatively, if outsourcing your franchisee recruitment is something you’d also like to explore please let us know and we’d be happy to provide you with a fully costed proposal to suit your needs.

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Franchise System Development

At Franchise 4 U we believe in building successful business but successful businesses ironically are built by successful people that are good at what they do and have a genuine skill or craft in their line of work or business they own. Many businesses can though be replicated through franchising whilst still retaining the founding principles of their success and vision that built their business.

If you are considering to franchise your own business or concept or are interested in developing a feasibility of what this could look like and building a test model first, then you should speak to Franchise 4 U and book a time for a confidential chat and assessment, we can also assist with Master Franchising or Area Development agreements and assist with the preparation of the disclosure and franchise agreements and operations manuals.

We’d love to hear from you and unlike some firms our rates won’t scare you away from the idea of franchising as your future success is also our future success too.

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Franchise System Development

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Franchisee Recruitment

At Franchise 4 U we specialise in helping Franchisors recruit better quality franchisees and more of them.

Although our company may be a young business in Australia, we are very experienced in this area of franchising. In fact, our Founder/Managing Director has been helping franchisors for over 24 years in recruiting, screening and hand picking franchisees and has done so throughout Australia and internationally, our founder has also been a franchisee and a franchisor and literally lives and breathes everything franchising so why not give him a call today to discuss your needs or fill in the enquiry form below.

Franchise 4 U can assist your franchise business with the following services:

• Outsourced success fee based recruitment with every candidate screened also being Police and Credit checked.
• Part outsourced success fee based recruitment.
• In-house recruitment for franchisors wishing to develop or retain their own team, this program includes training for each staff member involved in the process as well as mentoring to ensure program compliance.
• Hiring and or training of in-house recruiters.
• In-house recruitment systems, processes and reporting.
• Litigation risks and how to minimise them when recruiting franchisees.
• Franchisor advisory board

Outsourcing your franchisee recruitment to Franchise 4 U may be the smartest decision for franchisors wishing to grow quickly, maximise brand penetration or simply launch their brand with an expert by their side. However, we often find that some franchisors would rather keep this resource internal using their experienced staff that are closer to the brand etc. Done right this can also be a successful approach to franchisee recruitment however the many pitfalls to this approach like any involving staff include dealing with annual leave or having key personal away sick or retraining staff when a valuable staff member resigns from the business or simply being unable to cope with the volume of enquiries they receive leaving gaps and time for the business to be in contact with new and existing candidates.

Franchise 4 U can tailor our recruitment services to assist as an overflow or even as an assisted and joint recruitment solution.

We have also developed a training and mentoring program for franchisors wishing to use us as a resource to train and develop or mentor the internal recruitment team and offer webinar services and ongoing assistance to assist their staff and team successfully recruit franchisees.

Please contact us via the form.

handshake isolated on business background

Franchise Recruitment

I want to grow my franchise system.

Franchise Lead Generation

One of the many services we offer cover the 2 main problems that franchisors have; Lead generation and the actual process/skill set of recruiting. Our services include:

• Franchise Lead Generation advice
• Generating enquiry
• Franchise candidate management
• Effective follow up strategies

To find out more please either click the above links or fill in the form on the right

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Franchise Lead Generation

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Franchisee Lead Generation Workshop

The Biggest Challenge for Franchisors currently is franchisee Lead generation. In recent times, there has been an explosion in the number of media channels that can be utilised to target potential franchisees – This makes finding the correct marketing mix both difficult and often costly.

At Franchise 4 U our Team has over 320 years Media lead generation experience. In addition, we have up to-date data on what media channels are working currently in terms of leads and more importantly conversion. The Franchise 4 U team organise a 1/2 or 1 day workshop to review your current lead generation and put in place a practical strategy to optimise your franchise recruitment spend and maximise conversions.

Please contact us to find out more. This is another service we offer that is popular with smaller firms or to franchisors who wish to maintain their recruitment of their franchisees in-house. You know the old saying “if you hand someone a fish you feed them for a day if you teach them how to fish you feed them for life”

Over the years, we have been engaged by many of our franchisors that had been doing their own in house franchisee recruitment and then decided to outsource it. It did not surprise me to find that many had achieved unsatisfactory results nor had processes that were code compliant. As a franchisor, you are in the business of what you do best running your business in the industry you know best and that is why you became successful.

• So how do you learn how to become an expert in franchisee recruitment?
• Do you currently risk your brand to trial and error?
• Are you generating sufficient enquiries for your brand?
• Would you like to increase your teams closing ratios?
• Do you care about the long-term success of your franchisees?
• Is your current franchisee recruitment process code compliant?
• Have you recruited unsatisfactory franchisees in the past?
• Do you have an approval process for resales?
• Do you know why applicants don’t buy your franchise after enquiring?
• Do you know at which stage these applicants drop out?

If you are unsure about any of the above, then perhaps you need to review the recruitment processes that are currently being used in your organisation.

Our franchise recruitment training program is comprehensive and detailed and provides the option of ongoing mentoring to ensure the process remains compliant and effective. Though tapping into our systems and process’s these clients can tailor our world’s best practice to suit their individual needs.

Please contact us via the form.


Franchisee Lead Generation Workshop

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